You're looking at v2 documentation. The current version is v3. You can find the docs for the current version here.

Nova Integration

To use Nova inside of the tenant part of your application, do the following: - Publish the Nova migrations and move them to the database/migrations/tenant directory. none php artisan vendor:publish --tag=nova-migrations - Prevent Nova from adding its migrations to your central migrations by adding Nova::ignoreMigrations() to NovaServiceProvider::boot() (Don't do this if you want to use Nova both in the central & tenant parts of the app.) - Add the 'tenancy' middleware group to your nova.middleware config. Example: php 'middleware' => [ 'tenancy', 'web', Authenticate::class, DispatchServingNovaEvent::class, BootTools::class, Authorize::class, ], - In your NovaServiceProvider's routes() method, replace the following lines: php ->withAuthenticationRoutes() ->withPasswordResetRoutes() with these lines: php ->withAuthenticationRoutes(['web', 'tenancy']) ->withPasswordResetRoutes(['web', 'tenancy'])